Made naturally by the Earth, white hydrogen is creating a world rich with opportunities for first movers.
It’s potential as a low-carbon feedstock or fuel has spurred millions in new investment and is drawing worldwide attention. HyTerra is advancing its hydrogen and helium exploration assets in the USA to make the most of this once-in-a-generation opportunity.
Exploring natural hydrogen and helium resources near major industrial hubs.
HyTerra was the first company to list on the ASX with a focus on white hydrogen. It potentially has much lower production costs and carbon emissions than man-made hydrogen.
Our Nemaha Project in Kansas, USA holds 100% owned and operated leases across the emerging Nemaha High natural hydrogen and helium play fairway. Our Geneva Project in Nebraska, USA is a 16% earn-in interest in a Joint Development with Natural Hydrogen Energy LLC targeting natural hydrogen and helium.

Our Nemaha Project in Kansas, USA, is prospective for natural hydrogen and helium.
HyTerra was the first company to list on the ASX with a focus on white hydrogen. It potentially has much lower production costs and carbon emissions than man-made hydrogen.
Nemaha is located between Kansas City and Wichita in the centre of a major industrial and manufacturing hub. The project can be connected via railways, roads, and pipelines to a long list of potential offtakers nearby including ethanol and ammonia manufacturers, and petrochemical plants.
Nemaha’s exploration acreage covers approximately 60,000 acres and is 100% owned and operated by HyTerra. Our leases have historic wells with more than 10 hydrogen and helium occurrences within the region, some up to 92% hydrogen and 3% helium*.
105.5 Bcf^
0.59 Bcf^
*H2 + He % reflects occurrences of published gas analyses recovered from the wellbore. Uncertainty remains on historic well operations, sampling techniques, and analyses. The values are considered up to a % of H2 or He.
^Cautionary Statement: The estimated quantities of natural hydrogen and helium that may potentially be recovered by the application of a future development project(s) relate to undiscovered accumulations. These estimates have both an associated risk of discovery and a risk of development. Further exploration, appraisal, and evaluation is required to determine the existence of a significant quantity of potentially recoverable natural hydrogen and helium. The Prospective Resource estimates are quoted on an unrisked basis and are aggregated arithmetically by category. Please refer to the ASX release dated 13 December 2023 and 30 June 2024 Quarterly Activities report for full details with respect to the Prospective Resource estimate and associated risking.

Hydrogen is the world’s wonder element.
The demand for hydrogen reached an estimated 87 million tonnes (Mt) in 2020 and is expected to grow as much as 580 Mt by 2050.
Today, hydrogen is used to refine oil and produce ammonia and methanol. Tomorrow, it will be an energy-dense, low-carbon fuel option for transportation and manufacturing, and used to store and generate electricity.

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