23 August 2024
In a recent interview Koloma CEO, Pete Johnson said that geologic hydrogen could be as revolutionary for the energy transition as nuclear fusion — and comes with the perk of being much closer to definitive answers about its viability.
“I don’t think there’s anything in clean energy right now that we’re working on that could be as impactful as this — if it works out that there’s a lot of large reservoirs,” Johnson said on the Catalyst podcast. “[The industry] is not 30 years away; it’s six years away, or five years away from really answering the most critical questions.”
Mr Johnson said the industry may be less than a decade away from answering its most central question: are there large, economically viable reservoirs out there? This is the exact question HyTerra plans on answering with our upcoming drill program.
The article also discusses the next steps for white hydrogen including locating large, economically viable reservoirs and overcoming infrastructure challenges.